Adventures Of Misscrabbypants



Who would you say is your favourite author? Hard isn't it?
I hate that question because I love so many authors and their work. It would be like comparing apples and oranges. Each is good in it's own way.
Some authors I admit that I cannot read. For whatever reason be it style or topic.
Some authors I absolutely am close to being obsessive about. So upon further thought, my absolute favourite author is no other than, Mr. Stephen King.
I love his style. I love his ideas and his mind.
I wish Stephen King was immortal so that he will continue cranking out books for many years to come.
I choose him because I have read every thing that he has had published. There wasn't one book that I didn't like.
I get crazy, excited when a new book comes out because I know that I will spend the next few hours devouring it.
When that happens, everyone around me knows that I am literally not home until the book is done.
His words scare me. His words thrill me. His words make me laugh and sometimes cry.
The one book out of his numerous books that made an impact and will stay with me till I kick the proverbial bucket is called Bag Of Bones.
Immediately upon reading this book, I knew something was different. This book is unlike any other King book that I have read. I loved it. I couldn't stop telling people about it. It left me shaken.
I love when an author shows many different facets.
If you haven't yet done so, I recommend reading Bag Of Bones.
